Chapter 1079 of One Piece showed us a Blackbeard ship approaching Egghead, which led to speculation that Kuzan could be on board. However, Chapter 1081 confirmed that Kuzan is actually in Hachinosu with other members of Blackbeard's crew, leaving out Laffitte and Catarina Devon.
These two crew members are not known for their combat abilities, but rather for their skills in infiltration. This raises the question: why are they in Egghead? There are a few possible motives, such as raiding Egghead for devil fruits, specifically going after S-Snake, trying to steal the Road Poneglyph rubbings, or attempting to kidnap Vegapunk.
Regardless of their motives, I believe that York will leave with them. She turned on the other Vegapunks, and the World Government has turned on her. There is no escape for her in her current situation, but Blackbeard could certainly use a Vegapunk, and York has big dreams.
This turn of events could have far-reaching consequences for the World Government and the rest of the One Piece world. Vegapunk is a genius scientist whose inventions have helped the Marines and the World Government maintain their power. Blackbeard's acquisition of York could give him access to Vegapunk's knowledge and technology, potentially making him even more of a threat than he already is.
Furthermore, Blackbeard's actions in Egghead could be part of a larger plan to acquire the power needed to become the Pirate King. He already possesses two of the most powerful devil fruits in existence, and the Road Poneglyph rubbings could lead him to the location of the One Piece treasure. Kidnapping Vegapunk and obtaining his technology could give Blackbeard an edge over his rivals and make him virtually unstoppable.
As always, the world of One Piece is full of surprises and unexpected twists. Only time will tell what Blackbeard's true intentions are and what the future holds for York and the rest of the characters involved in this complex and dangerous game of pirate politics.