Chapter 1073 of One Piece introduced us to one of the Five Elders, the World Highest Authority – Gorosei. This character, with a scar on the left side of his face and gray dreadlocks, finally revealed his name to be Saint Jegarcia Saturn. This discovery of his name provides a key insight into the names of the other four elders.
The term Gorosei translates to “Five Elder Stars,” and the kanji for “Star” (星) is part of the Japanese word for “Planet” (惑星). Therefore, it seems logical that the elders could be named after planets in the Solar System. This would mean that the Gorosei are named Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.
This theory leaves Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Earth as the remaining planets. Interestingly, three of these planets are known as Ancient Weapons in the One Piece universe. It is also believed that there are at least five other Ancient Weapons, which could be what the Gorosei represent, with each member able to control one of them.
The power to control these eight weapons is given only to those from a royal bloodline. During the Void Century, some of the Kings who formed the World Government, which is also known as the Gorosei, were believed to have held this power. The Nefertari Family chose not to join the World Government, leading some to speculate that they were the successors to another Ancient Weapon power, possibly Uranus. The idea is that Vivi, a member of the Nefertari family, could be the one who can command Uranus, as evidenced by her sudden disappearance after Imu showed interest in her.
The second Ancient Weapon is Poseidon, which is believed to be the power to control the Sea Kings. Every few generations, a mermaid of royal descent is born with the ability to control the Sea Kings. Shirahoshi is currently believed to be the current Poseidon.
The third Ancient Weapon is Pluton, which is believed to be residing in Wano. It is thought that only another ruler of royal bloodline, Momonosuke, can command Pluton.
These three rulers are kings or queens of nations that are not affiliated with the World Government. They believe that these three weapons are evil, and they aim to erase or control them, while hypocritically owning five of them.
Two things could potentially prove all of this to be true. The first is the Voice of All Things, which is believed to be the actual means to control the weapons. Only four people have this ability, including Luffy, Roger, Momonosuke, and Oden. The key is that the last two are both direct descendants of royals. It is also possible that Shirahoshi’s ability to be the Voice of All Things is significant. Lastly, we would need Vivi and the Gorosei to showcase this ability too.
The second factor is the Road Poneglyphs. We know that the original location of three of them were in Wano, Fishman Island, and Zou, but we do not know where Big Mom got hers from. This lack of information raises questions about the origin of these Poneglyphs.
There is one more planet left to consider, and that is Earth. In the Ohara solar system, it appears that Earth is believed to be the center of the solar system, and everything revolves around it. This is similar to pre-Galileo Galilei beliefs. Therefore, it is possible that Earth’s representation in One Piece is Imu, who is glorified as the pivotal celestial being. This would be ironic, as in reality, it is Luffy who pulls everyone towards him, making him the