Imu’s True Identity

Imu is very likely Satan. Or at least the One Piece version. Whether as THE Devil himself or Model: Akuma remains to be seen.Latest chapter seals it. Here are the evidences:

● Imu can grant and take powers including immortality, a “deal with the devil”. The outburst of black hellfire when Saturn died. Don’t be surprised when Garling becomes immortal and gains a Yokai form.

● Gorosei with their demonic pentagram imagery, summoning circles and Yokai forms.

● Imu’s devil tail in his transformed state.

Imu’s True Identity

● Imu literally eating Sabo’s fire.

● Sabo describing the top of the world as “Hell”.

● Constant mention throughout the series of DEVIL fruits, GODS, Sun God Nika, reference to Genesis, Noah’s Ark, The Great Flood, Adam and Eve Trees.

● Imu is the enemy of Joy Boy who is literal Pirate Jesus.

Who would have thought the final villain would be Satan himself…

*Theory by quantumstartswithq