Luffy and Blackbeard will end up teaming up against Imu in the Final War
The two greatest pirates ever after Joy Boy, the two who inspired many pirates even after their death: Rocks D. Xebec and Gol D. Roger.Every major pirate who ruled the seas or became Yonko for the past 50 years has either been a Rocks pirate or Roger pirate and has ties with someone who’s an ex Rocks/Roger pirate!
Rocks Pirates: Shiki, Whitebeard, Big Mom, Kaido, John, Wang Zhi, Silvers AXERocks inspires: Teach
Roger Pirates: Rayleigh, Oden, Scopper, Shanks, BuggyRoger inspires: Luffy
You wonder why Imu has Teach and Luffy’s posters?The answer is simple both are a threat to his schemes and reign. Both represent two people that stood against Imu in the past: Joy Boy and …another D. Member.
● Luffy is the 2nd coming of Roger while Teach is Xebec’s 2nd coming.● Luffy has Roger’s will to be Pirate King and free, even his personal hidden dream is similar to Roger’s while Teach wants to be KING of the world just like Rocks D. Xebec.● Teach is also into taboo things like Xebec was into.● Luffy has Roger’s straw hat while Teach has a ship named after Xebec, in fact I think Teach’s claws or something personal is from Xebec.

These two will end up teaming up against Imu at final war like Sasuke and Naruto did against Kaguya.We know already Vivi and Shirahoshi befriended each other at the Reverie.Teach will soon head to Fishman Island to get Shirahoshi while Vivi will soon rejoin Luffy for her safety.Luffy will beat Teach and then all 4 will make it their goal to take down Imu.
The reason why Roger failed was also because he didn’t want to work with Xebec.Roger didn’t know much about the world as Xebec did prior God Valley. This is why Roger’s stance changes and he goes on wanting to learn truly about the world.
Luffy will do what Roger couldn’t do, he will do what Joy Boy did with other great D. members who were pirates too: work together to free the world!
After defeating Imu, Teach will then be the king of the New World while Luffy remains the most free.
*by JoNdule