The Mythical Zoan of Figarland Garling

All of the Gorosei possess Mythical Zoan abilities. With Garling joining them, a question arises, will he also acquire a Mythical Zoan?

Garling could be the Fenrir, a monstrous wolf in Norse mythology:

● Garling = Moon = Werewolf● Fenrir has two sons: Hati and Sköll.● Fenrir, a monstrous wolf from Norse mythology, plays a pivotal role in Ragnarök, the “impending end times”.● Saturn has a moon (satellite) named “Fenrir”.● Garling’s replacement of Saturn could symbolize him becoming “Fenrir”.● In the same chapter where Garling replaces Saturn, a new satellite replaces Vegapunk.

Imu, possibly the Sea Devil, might have made a “Devil Pact” with Garling so he joins the Gorosei. In exchange, Garling could gain:

● Immortality● Knowledge of the Void Century● The Mythical Zoan of Fenrir

Fenrir’s sons, Sköll and Hati, represent dual forces:

● Sköll chases the sun, paralleling Shanks, who pursues the Sun God Nika.● Hati chases the moon, potentially representing Shanks’ brother.

The Mythical Zoan of Figarland Garling

Shanks, who chases the “Sun,” could be analogous to Sköll:

● Shanks pursued the “Sun” God Nika and revived the legacy of the Sun God (JoyBoy) by giving Luffy the fruit and the Straw Hat● Shanks embodies the Sun’s resurgence

Hati, the moon-chaser, might be Shanks’ twin brother:

● He could be among the Holy Knights● He could be the one who talked to the Gorosei

The Moon could be Garling:

● Garling was the former Champion of God Valley● Garling is now a Gorosei

His son (Hati) might strive to be like his father and seek his approval, hence “chasing” the Moon.Sköll and Hati embody the eternal struggle between the Celestial Dragons and the D.Their pursuit of the sun and moon symbolizes the cosmic balance and the ongoing clash between these forces.

Garling might have left Shanks (Sköll) at God Valley, keeping only his other son (Hati).Shanks’ baby clothes feature sun and moon motifs, reinforcing the symbolism of Hati and Sköll.

Shanks was raised by the Roger Pirates and so chased the “Sun”.His brother, raised by his father and the Celestial Dragons, chases the “Moon”.Their roles are shaped by their heritage.

Garling also has an appearance as both a star from the front and a moon from the side, which could allude to his connection with Fenrir.

This duality could mirror the opposing roles of his two possible sons—Sköll, who chases the sun, and Hati, who chases the moon.

*Theory by Pringles__