The WORST Straw Hats vs Blackbeard Pirates Matchups
LUFFY VS BLACKBEARDDevil Fruit Nullification stop Luffy from using his main power, the “Nika Fruit”. It will force Luffy to fight with only his Haki while Blackbeard can use both his Quake Fruit and Darkness Fruit.
ZORO VS VAN AUGURVan Augur has the Warp Warp fruit that allows him to teleport himself and others.Zoro’s main weakness is his sense of direction and him getting lost. If Van Augur teleports him somewhere far away, Zoro will be out and away from the fight completely.Even if Zoro tries to come back, he won’t. He will get lost. This is bad because now Van Augur can help jump other Straw Hats while Zoro is absent.
SANJI VS CATARINA DEVONSanji’s weakness is Women.Obviously, Catarina Devon is the worst match up for Sanji and the best match up for the Blackbeard Pirates.
CHOPPER VS LAFFITTEOne of Chopper’s weakness is his gullible nature.Either Laffitte or Catarina Devon can be a match up with Chopper as they both use trickery.But since Devon is with Sanji, Laffitte will be the match up with Chopper.

ROBIN VS DOC QWhen Robin uses her ability, she feels anything her extra body parts feels, as she will gain damage to their body if the extra limbs are attacked. Poison works the same way, if not worse. While a physical attack hurts one part of the body, Poison affects and weakens thewhole body, making Doc Q a very bad opponent for Robin.
FRANKY VS AVALO PIZARROFranky’s weakness is his back.If he faces someone like Avalo Pizarro, an island man, he will have to watch out for attacks coming from all angles, as Pizarro LITERALLY IS ALL ANGLES (bro is the island). Franky doesn’t have Observation Haki, which makes it even easier for Pizarro to attack Franky’s back.
BROOK VS JESUS BURGESSBone breaking: Brook suffers damage if his bones would break. He would complete die if his entire bones were destroyed.If you have someone with immense amount of strength like Burgess to face Brook, Jesus Burgess could very possibly defeat, destroy, and break every bone Brook has and kill him in the process.
USOPP VS SHIRYUNow Usopp’s main weakness is close distance.Any Blackbeard Pirate could beat Usopp as most Blackbeard Pirates are close distance fighters. I put Shiryu in this match up.
NAMI VS SANJAUN WOLFNami’s main weakness is close distance.Any Blackbeard Pirate could beat Nami as most Blackbeard Pirates are close distance fighters.I put Sanjaun Wolf in this match up.
JINBE VS VASCO SHOTFish-men are 10 times more powerful than human beings, but this does not mean that they have no weakness, the flame is one of them.Apart from flames, I don’t know what Jinbe’s weaknesses are so….Vasco Shot is what I will match him up with.
*by GreenStrawhat32