Trafalgar Law and Eustass Kid will both come back stronger in the story
Trafalgar Law and Eustass Kid will both come back stronger in the story
I never particularly liked Kid and Law but ever since chapter 1079 and 1081 dropped, I disagreed with most of what I’ve been hearing about them on many platforms and I feel like people are not trying to understand what happaned to them and why it happened. Most people took the easy way and just think that its over for them. Hence why I decided to make this thread. I really feel like a lot of people are not able to look at the big picture and what Oda is trying to do with these two. Today I wanted to talk about why I believe they will both still be relevant later in the story and come back stronger.
Since chapter 1079, I’ve seen countless people claiming that Kid was done/dead and would not be relevant anymore calling him bum, fraud and whatever. The fact that Oda had Law put up a good fight and escape alive did not help Kid’s case either. But most people labeled these 2 as weak etc even though they literally both lost to yonkos. AKA 2 of the top 4 pirates in the world. That is just ridiculous

However make no mistake. Kid and Law are not weak. Far from that. In fact I believe that in the Worst Generation they are portrayed to be the strongest pirates right after Blackbeard and Luffy. Do not make the mistake of believing for a second that they are weak you will regret it later you have my word on that. Especially for Kid who is much more downplayed than Law. Oda had SHANKS telling his crew and by extend us the reader “DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE KID, DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE GROWTH RATE OF THESE YOUNGSTERS” and he was in fact right. We saw that Kid was able to SPAM his STRONGEST attack in Shanks’ vision right after Wano in order to destroy his fleet I do not know why this is not talked about more lmao and on top of that his railgun was able to magnetize ships from miles away!! This shows some improvement and he WILL keep getting stronger in the future as well that is guaranteed. I would also say that he definitely has more potential than Law.
I understand that he got NEGGED diffed but how can you guys overlook that statement SHANKS. Shanks ACKNOWLEDGED him and was not willing to let the others in his crew handle him. He wanted to do it by himself.
We know that bounty=/= strength but allow me clarifies something. YES IT DOES… (to a certain extend ofc and there will always be exceptions like buggy etc) but people with a higher bounty tend to be stronger than people with a lower one that is simply a fact. Luffy is MUCH stronger and relevant than these 2 but Oda did not give Kid and Law that bounty to troll make no mistake, they are not to be taken lightly. Oda had people emphasize their bounty for a reason. Its not that they are frauds, they are just not as strong as yonkos right now.
Kid and Law may be much weaker than Luffy right now but that doesnt make them a failure, FAR from that, they are strong and have a LOT of potential The sky is the limit for them they are still relatively young do not underestimate the new era. Kid is 23, Law is 26. The former has the potential of getting Advanced Conqueror’s Haki one day(which is pretty much guaranteed unless you really believe that Oda gave him Conqueror’s Haki in an arc centered around Conqueror’s Haki and had him never display it for nothing) and completely mastering his devil fruit and the latter has the Ope Ope no Mi, the “ultimate devil fruit” I am sure that for example Law will get more weird Awakening moves next time we see him. His fruit is just that versatile. They are both going to be top tiers one day and potentially one of the strongest pirates ever that is not far fetched at all according to the evidence provided by the story and the growth rate of these characters.
Here is my last argument I am glad that I waited for the Reverie flashback to be over before making this thread we now have confirmation without the shadow of a doubt that the Gorosei and Imu can fight. Oda stated that Marineford will be nothing compared to the the final war and I now can understand why. Look how STACKED the World Government’s side is. Can you honestly tell me that the Straw Hats will defeat them by themselves and their fleet only? The answer is obviously no. Luffy will and HAVE to make a huge alliance of his own and Kid and Law, the 2 most promising young pirates aside from Luffy will definitely be part of it. I don’t think people would have a hard believing that Law who wants to know the TRUE story and is not fond of the World Government and the Tenryubito because of his past and Doflamingo. As for Kid we had his flashback in an … SBS and we also know for fact that he despises the World Government.
Well that’s it from me. If you made it this far I sincerely hope that I managed to convinced some people that these 2 are far from being frauds and are on the contrary strong, they just aren’t on Luffy’s, the MAIN CHARACTER’S level but they will definitely come back and be relevant later. Do not sleep on them or you will regret it.
*by Hyakujuu Kaido